2 min readNov 26, 2020


Will COVID-19 Turn America Blue?

This is not about Trumpers seeing mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic by Trump and the Republicans because that would require them accepting and understanding basic facts and logic. Trumper’s can’t, won’t and don’t accept facts so let’s rule that out as a possibility. What I’m talking about is them dying from the coronavirus at a much higher rate than humans. The Fall and Winter surge is still in first gear and it is projected that by March 1st there could be close to 660,000 deaths and when you consider the fact that some of the red states have been under reporting COVID-19 deaths and cases, arriving at an accurate is probably not possible.

This viral holocaust is not only because of Trump and Republican lies and incompetence. A lot of it is because of depraved Trumpers continually pretending to believe the coronavirus is a hoax while not having the common decency to wear masks or practice social distancing. There’s a bright side; most of the people who are sick and dying now are Trump supporters and there seems to be no end in sight for this trend.

The data shows that the virus is causing the most carnage it red states and red counties where the most anti-maskers are. Is this is good? No, this is great! Trumpanzees are dropping like flies and when the surge goes into high gear the death toll could exceed 3000 per day and continue to rise through May. Rural areas are already being hit especially hard. North and South Dakota are being hit especially hard as is the Bible belt.

There really is no point or moral reasons for trying to mitigate this virus in Trumpistan because it would be the same as allowing rabid animals to roam among the human population and besides, very few of them will listen to reason anyway.

As of 7:30 PM EST the death toll has reached 268,151

The surge is a purge!

